With the current risk of the COVID-19 virus and the many changes that have occured in our society over the last month, Heritage has been approached by many people questioning their estate plans and what steps to take. First, I advise you to do whatever it takes to stay safe and not take any unnecessary risks regarding your estate plan or planning should you belong in one of the high-risk populations.
Second, do not hesitate to reach out. In the army, we said that if there is any doubt then there is no doubt as to what you should do. So if you have any doubt that something in your estate plan is not right or might need to be looked at, then don’t hesitate to call us so we can review things together. Let’s see where you’re at, where you want to be and what possible changes could be made to get you in the right position for whatever your personal estate planning needs are.
Due to the current state of affairs in our country, Heritage has introduced the ability for you to schedule online for a free 30-minute consultation with one of our attorneys to bypass either the hassle of scheduling or having to meet face-to-face to avoid getting sick. By communicating remotely, we can move forward to get the building blocks for your estate plan in place for your family or look at the current nature of your affairs and see which documents should be executed in coming months.
Our office also has the ability to use online face-to-face platforms, such as FaceTime or Zoom, for meetings, and programs such as WebEx, where we can provide you with login information to review your documents that we are looking at with you at the same time to show you the issues that may be of concern and figure out how you want to proceed. We’re here to provide solutions for families in this ever-changing environment that will give them peace of mind and keep them safe.
Keeping in mind that COVID-19 is a sickness with serious and fatal consequences, we are leveraging technology and will help you get introduced to these platforms. We can simply talk to you over the phone and, if necessary, you can mail, scan or fax in your documents for review. There should be no reason that we should be prevented from giving you peace of mind by answering your questions as to your current position, so don’t hesitate to contact us. Be safe and hopefully this information was helpful. As always, at Heritage, we’re here to help and we’re looking out for you.