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Heritage Tree LogoHow Do I Amend My Will?

last will document

Once you provide your signature at the bottom of your last will, you may figure that you have, once and for all, squared away this important estate planning document. However, it may not be safe to assume this. This is because you may have undergone significant life changes not reflected in this document. Or, you may have otherwise changed your mind with the instructions you set out in this document. Regardless of the specific reasoning, you may have to circle back. Read on to discover how to amend your will and how a seasoned Butler County will preparation attorney at Heritage Elder Law & Estate Planning, LLC can help you validly execute this.

What does it mean to “amend” my will?

Firstly, the term “amend” is defined as making minor changes in a text to make it fairer, more accurate, or more up-to-date. With that being said, the primary purpose of amending your will is so that you may rectify certain terms and conditions that no longer apply to the status of your beneficiaries, executors, or overall estate. As an example, you may have to appoint a new executor if your originally designated executor has unfortunately passed on since the establishment of your will. Otherwise, the administration of your estate at the time of the probate process may become convoluted.

How do I go about amending my will?

One of the most common ways a will may be amended is by creating a codicil. This is essentially considered a new portion to your existing last will.

So with this, you must formally write down the specific updates you wish to make to your existing last will, whether it be adding a new term, editing an existing term, or removing an existing term. Then, you must sign the bottom of this document, along with two present witnesses. Lastly, you must physically attach your newly enforced codicil with your already existing last will. This is so that, upon your passing, the two documents may be read and analyzed together.

Creating a codicil may be less costly than entirely redoing your will. However, it may be argued that this may be more complicated than just creating a new will altogether. This is because your executor and beneficiaries must cross-reference and interpret your codicil and original last will together. In turn, they may get mixed signals and overall grow confused with your true intentions. Nonetheless, this is why it is always encouraged to seek legal advisement when amending your last will.

When dealing with an urgent matter like this, you must drop everything and contact one of the competent Butler County estate planning & probate attorneys. Our team at Heritage Elder Law & Estate Planning, LLC is ready to help you put the missing puzzle pieces together.

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